Thursday, 23 October 2014

Fantasy VS Reality

With our idea of boy meets girl, falls in love but doesn't get girl, we decided to go against the typical 'rom-com' idea and portray real life events, and show our viewers that they are infact not alone in this situation.

Most music videos/films portray a fairy tale type story, of boy meets girl, they fall in love with each other and end up happily ever after. However, this is not the case, and despite it being harsh, we wanted the audience to see real life events and get a taste of teenage life and hardships.

Instead of doing a 'Cinderella' type story, we have put our own twist on it to show the viewers the reality of being in your teens and the hardships that come with it. We decided this because we wanted to be honest, rather than giving the audience false hope or false 'dreams' to aspire over.

As well as this, the fairy tale type of story is very common, and we wanted to put our own twist on it to get the audience intrigued, rather than being bored of the same story and highlighting the unrequited love.

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