Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Audience Questionnaire

We printed out numerous copies of this questionnaire and asked a large group of teenagers to fill it in for us so that we would gain a better understanding of how teenagers (our target audience) view music videos and what they would like to see in a music video so that we can compare their thoughts and opinions to our music video to see if we have what they are looking for and if there are areas we need to rethink or add more to.

From this we learnt that we needed to cast someone who had the right look for our teenage market. In addition we needed to make sure that our narrative merged seamlessly with our lip syncing because it was all going to be continuous and if it didn't work it wouldn't look proffessional. Therefore our targets are to make sure that our casting is perfect, that we work on how we want our main actor to sing and which shots he will sing, we rehearse with him and make sure we have the correct amount of shots to avoid it being dull because if it is dull it will not appeal to our target audience.

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