Thursday, 23 October 2014


For our main location, We are using one of our group members garage. It has a very casual feel, and is a perfect environment for a person who needs peace and quite to paint.

Also its grungy and raw astethic means that it looks like a perfect location for a person to be creative.

We are putting an advertisement in the local cafe, which we have permission to use.

This Cafe is perfect since it has a billboard which the viewers can identify instantly

It also has a large glass display at the front of the shop, which works perfectly with our plot.
We are then using the window at the bottom of Kim's house, where the main actor finds the model with another man.

This location is perfect since the viewer can see what is happening from multiple points of view without it getting too complicated, and acts as a vantage point where the artist can see the girl with her boyfriend.

One of our other locations is in the Local Park, however this is determined by the weather on the day of shooting, if bad weather occurs we would need to think of a backup plan.

However this location is perfect since it is a different kind of location from the other sets we have used , and so the variation means that the viewer wont get bored of watching.

Star Image
The star image of the band is a pragmatic boy band, and so having relatable icons such as a Cafe is ideal, as they wouldn't look right dancing in front of a green screen.

Organic VS Synthetic
By setting this in an urban environment it adds an edginess to the music video, which relates to the boy band, McFly as they aren't a normal clean cut boy band that don't have any interaction with their music that they sing, but actually Tom Fletcher in the band writes most of the songs they have produced and has also written for other artists.

By using this setting it adds a sense of realism in this microcosmic world that we have created.

Target Audience
The majority of the target audience would be living in a suburban area and can relate to the locations we filmed in. Such as the cafe isn't really a place you would think you would find a music artist.

The locations relate to the Genre as many synthetic artists try to use organic techniques to make them seem more organic than they actually are. An example of this is Lily Allen's music video 'Our Time', where Lily Allen has a "night out" where she is seen in a cab, partying and dressed in a hot dog costume.

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